Every Dream Needs a Coach!
Leadership and Coaching is who I am. My passion is to help move dreams into implementation in Businesses, Leaders, Ministries, and Individuals. ​
My passion for coaching began as a teacher which evolved to becoming a John Maxwell certified Coach. Succesfully partnered with Jim Knight & Instructional Coaching Group (ICG) for publication of Distant Learning Instructional Playbook & ICG Instructional Planner, and composed an endorsement for The Definitive Guide to Instructional Coaching: Seven Factors For Success written by Jim Knight. Influential speaker and co-presenter at the largest coaching conference, Teaching Learning Coaching Conference (TLC) and spoke at the largest math conference, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
(NCTM) for many many years.
During my tenure in education & coaching, I have developed and organized curriculum for 100+ specialty coaches including Data Coaches, Literacy Coaches, & Curriculum Support Specialist Coaches in Fulton County School System located in Georgia. Lastly, I have shared some of my moments by co-authoring Making Moments Matter in a Virtual Learning Book. With over 20 years of experience in Education, Coaching, and Leadership, I am excited to partner our next generation of Leaders, Businesses, Ministries and Individuals to be impactful and influential. Come create NEW moments with me...
- Keysha
Get to Know Us
We are a creative and innovative consultancy. We use effective moments to mold new perspectives, new ideas, new strategies and the like in the minds of our clients for their businesses. Our strategies and approach to solving our clients problems are not ordinary and yield favorable outcomes. We are a bold, vibrant, personable, and accountable consultants positioned to exceed your expectations.
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